Open-source knowledge .

Health is holism! 


The mitochondria have special photoreceptors, called cytochrome c oxidase, that allow them to capture the photons of red and near-infrared light. This process helps the mitochondria to produce energy more efficiently. Red light therapy can also increase the number of mitochondria while simultaneously improving their function in the cells.

There are only a handful of light sources naturally available to us on Earth: the sun, the moon and stars, lightning, fire, and bioluminescence, with the sun predominating by far as the primary natural light source on our planet. Our evolution was largely shaped by the light in our environment, particularly by the sun which, either directly or indirectly, provides all of the energy required to sustain life here on Earth.

The sun, after being filtered somewhat by our planet's atmosphere, contains a wide spectrum of light from both the visible and non-visible parts of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from long wavelength, non-visible infrared light (aka heat) to the visible light spectrum (ROYGBIV), to short wavelength, non-visible ultraviolet light.

Sun exposure provides biophotons that stimulate the production of vitamin D, activate mitochondrial energy production and improve feel good neurotransmitters for energy, mood and sleep.

Daily sun exposure is part of nature's medicine to keep you healthy and energized for life!

The advent of modern technology, particularly the electrification of the world at the 1893 World's Fair, catapulted our species into an evolutionarily inconsistent light environment that has intensified ever since, now epitomized by a high fraction of the population glued to a screen for the majority of hours each day. For the first time in our species' history, the sun is no longer the primary light source by which we live our lives. As it turns out, this is highly problematic because we evolved to utilize the sun for the regulation of innumerable processes within our bodies ranging from our sleep wake cycles, to neuroendocrine function, to metabolism, to body composition, appetite regulation, cognitive function, mood and more.

The screens that everyone reading this is interfacing with utilizes LED lights which favor the shorter wavelengths of light within the visible spectrum (i.e. blue light). In general, LEDs are highly favored in today's world because of their energy efficiency-by removing red/infrared light, although highly toxic to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, intern circadian clock due to the high flicker rate of light emitting diodes.

660 nm Red light also sets you up to handle the high UV sunlight of mid day Sun. * 
Sunlight is one of the most beneficial therapies available to everyone- FREE!

Trauma and chronic stress send a danger signal that reverberates throughout our biology.
It deranges our immune system, our gut, our microbiome, our nervous system, our neurological wiring and Our mitochondria.
Trauma decreases our mitochondrial function and if left unaddressed this derangement can last a lifetime.
Why would our mitochondria function be affected by psychological stress and trauma?
Normally thought of as the powerhouses of the cell through their ATP production,
Our mitochondria do much more than that.
Martin Picard has done incredible research showing how our mitochondria react to emotions.
The frequency of our thoughts ripples throughout the body,
Right down to the mitochondria.
Our mitochondria comprise an intricate messaging system with our intercellular water.
Our mitochondria are lined inside and out with structured water.

Every single cell an organ system in your body, has a circadian clock in front of it.

If you want a healthy metabolism & balanced hormones, all the special diets and supplements in the world aren't going to be effective if your body does not receive the proper instructions from your environment.

Remember, obesity is a problem of energy lost not excess energy. In nature - when an organism loses energy - it SWELLS  (ex: heart failure - a broken ankle - a dying star).

How you start your day every single day is how the symphony that is your hormones (including your thyroid/metabolism) receive the proper signaling for the next 24 hours.

Contrary to what many preach about health and wellness - your body is brilliant & needs the right

Sun signals in order to come into harmony.

Circadian rhythm is a type of biological rhythm.

Circadian comes from the Latin expression circa diem. It is itself derived from the terms circa (approximately) and dies (day), literally meaning
"about a day".
The circadian rhythm corresponds to a series of biological events (body temperature changes, metabolic processes, hormone synthesis, etc.) that occur periodically every 24 hours. In humans, the circadian rhythm is controlled by a "biological clock" located in the hypothalamus (a part of the brain).
Between 7:00 and 9:00 the stomach increases its function again. Insulin works more efficiently during the morning this means you can start the day with more carbs if you like.
At 10:00 testosterone peaks, meaning this is the time of day when mental alertness and physical performance are at their highest. 
Between 11:00 and 13:00 hard-to-digest food is usually better digested.
During the lunch break, the heart should be able to relax in order to gain strength for the second half of the day. It would therefore make sense to use this time for a "power nap" rather than for sports or business meetings.
At 17:00 would be ideal to do sport as the circulation and muscles are particularly fit during this period.
Then the regeneration phase of the internal organs and thus the cycle begins again from the beginning.


Leptin is a master circadian signaling hormone & wasn't actually discovered until 1994 (which is why most practitioners do not understand how to diagnose or treat leptin resistance).

Leptin is supposed to dock to the hypothalamus while we sleep at night & give a report about the stored energy on the body so that the next day our body operates efficiently.
When this system is "down" your hormones - thyroid - immune system & more are unable to work as efficiently as they were designed to work - and until you address this root cause hormone - you could continue to struggle.
Insulin actually competes with leptin for docking space - so when you eat too close to bed - or eat in a way that keeps insulin elevated chronically - you can create even more problems.
Fixing leptin resistance actually requires you to look at your lifestyle as a whole - (not just your diet) - and work on your circadian rhythms - cellular hydration & deuterium management to name a few!

A couple things outside of light I found to bring great relief below.

Magnesium Bicarbonate. Because magnesium is so important for ATP production, it's essential to supplement because most of us are deficient.
Magnesium Bicarbonate is the most natural and bio-available form of magnesium. Magnesium flake baths can also be used. Additionally, magnesium biglycinate, and magnesium taurate are also great forms of magnesium.

Alpha-lipoic acid. A naturally occurring antioxidant that's made in the body. alpha-lipoic acid helps to improve mitochondrial function while also decreasing oxidative stress.
Lipoic acid is an enzymatic cofactor that helps to convert food energy such as sugars and proteins, into ATP.

Causes & symptoms of mitochondrial dysfunction:
Blue light. Wi-FI . Pathogens. Parasites and mold can overrun the mitochondria, making it harder for cellular energy (ATP) to be produced. Those who live or have lived near mold will usually find that their energy levels are very low.
(Just think,we didn't evolve living in boxes of man made light, awful materials, full of persistent pollutants, flame retardants, VOCs, etc.)

There is plenty of evidence to indicate that mitochondria used to be their own bacterial species.

This means they needed to be able to sense their environment and adapt accordingly.

They have retained this ability inside of us and are keen sensors of the environment inside the cell and outside of the body sensing all sorts of electromagnetic fields from visible light to radio waves and microwaves to Earth's magnetic field, artificial light, flicker, etc.

For millenia, the only EMFs mitochondria sensed were natural, and they became very tuned to fluctuations in these fields, figuring out how to perfectly optimize cell function based on these fluctuations.

Non-native EMFs such as wifi, artificial lights and cell phone radiation have only been around for a brief time. The signals coming from these EMFs are so foreign, that mitochondria treat them as a danger signal.

nEMFs are known to trigger an influx of calcium into the cell turning on a cell danger response and putting mitochondria into a dysfunctional mode - generating excessive damaging substances like peroxynitrite and the hydroxyl radical.

These go on to damage the mitochondrial DNA, cell membranes, signal improper gene expression, and more!

This is why it is so important to put WiFi on a timer to shut off while you rest & sleep! 


One of the pillars of all diseases, mineral imbalances. They deserve a 10-page article on their own- in essence, low magnesium levels can plummet ATP production. More on proper mineralization coming soon!
While the function of ATP is well known and well recognized, few know that ATP is actually Mg-ATP.
Magnesium is vital for efficient ATP production, and studies show that 75% of Americans do not get the recommended amount (and the DA is already too low).
Magnesium is the second most abundant mineral inside each cell, so one can only imagine the damage done when we are severely deficient. Enzymatic disaster.
Also look at the broken hydrological cycle if you wonder why naturally occurring
H3o2 salts -most importantly magnesium bicarbonate are missing today due to the inherent, acidity or lower pH of the rain.
Springs [under 8500 ft.], aquifers, and all h2o sources are vastly contaminated due to this broken hydrological cycle, secondary metabolites, pharmaceuticals, persistent organic pollutants, the list goes on and on..

Look into EZ water or structured water 💧

Here’s some basics. 
Three atoms of hydrogen combined with the two atoms of oxygen, making one molecule of H3O2 – structured water. It is referred to as the fourth phase of water; it is usually called living water. Properties of this water include alkalinity, denseness, and viscousness. H3O2 is a state which is present between solid and liquid. H3O2 is considered thicker than H2O (normal water). H3O2 is considered gel water, EZ water,(exclusion zone) and vortex water. It has the ability to release and store energy.
 Magnetized structured water causes a reduction in blood glucose level. In addition, it can cause a reduction in damaging blood and DNA . Recent studies describe the formula of structure water as H3O2, and the formula of normal water as H2O which means that two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen combine to make water. In the case of structured water, three hydrogen atoms combine with two molecules of oxygen to form structural water.

DOPAMINE is the key hormone behind motivation, pleasure and satisfaction.

Blue light destroys dopamine levels in the eye and the brain. It does this by activating the MAO-B enzyme that breaks down dopamine. We know today people are essentially bathing in blue light. Blue blockers help although the entire body picks up on the light environment.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful protector from the damages of lipid peroxidation in the body. Lipid peroxidation is rampant in the modern world due to the widespread use of unhealthy oils widely used in food products as well as the plethora of environmental pollutants and toxins that we run into on a day-to-day basis, just going about our normal lives.
Lipid peroxidation can cause damage to the reproductive system by increasing the levels of reactive oxygen species, ultimately resulting in DNA damage, cell death, and a decrease in the number of viable eggs in women, and causing damage to the sperm membrane, leading to a decrease in sperm motility and viability in men.
This can ultimately result in a decrease in fertility.
Vitamin E has helps to regulate hormone levels in the body, which can be beneficial for both men and women in terms of reproductive health.
In women, vitamin E may help regulate the menstrual cycle and support overall hormonal balance. Vitamin E can improve help with egg quality and improve uterine lining.
In men, it helps to optimize testosterone levels, which can contribute to healthy sperm production.
Vitamin E has shown to improve sperm health and motility in men. As an aromatase inhibitor and estrogen antagonist, Vitamin E also can help to balance overall hormonal health while decreasing stress.
It's important understand that everyone could require different amounts of vitamin E based on bio individual needs.

Sovereign Community is a huge aspect of health!

They are sovereign.

Their souls courageously volunteered to participate in the massive transformation that humanity is undergoing.

They are confronting their shadows and traumas, and opening the door to healing.

They are questioning everything and are open to being wrong.

They are willing to sacrifice relationships and security for what they believe in.

They are ready to face the most uncomfortable truths.

They don't mind being misunderstood, ridiculed or vilified because they know their true worth.

They live in a state of freedom and abundance instead of fear and lack.

They don't fall in the trap of discord and division.

They see through irrationality, distraction, lies and manipulation.

They are following their inner radar and intuition.

They are willing to become the change they want to see in the world.

They are creating a new collective reality one conscious action at a time.

When you meet them, your soul will know.

You will elevate them and they will elevate you.

This bidirectional rewilding with nature is our core essence

And, together, you will transform the world.

They are your TRIBE 🫶🏼

More human optimization research coming !